Sadly, it can be really tough to find positive reading material for kids with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Most children’s literature is fatally flawed because it hyper-focuses on the thoughts, feelings, and choices of the children and elevates them as superior to the adults. Let’s not even mention Tangled with its kidnapping, self-serving, fake mom. Oh my.
Even if the story line is excellent, children with RAD get distracted by the darkness and tend to miss the positive lessons a story is trying to teach. For instance, the Harry Potter series is famous for encouraging kids to read bigger books. However, the part that lingers in the mind of children with RAD is not Harry’s good character, his wonderful friendships with Ron and Hermione, or his parents’ powerful love for him, but Voldemort the powerful super-villain. Sigh.
So here’s one series I recommend that works for many ages and both genders.
The Happy Hollisters by Jerry West, $5-8/book on eBay
These books were written in 1953 until 1969. I recommend this old series because they are youth mysteries in which the 4 children (2 boys, 2 girls) honor the adults around them, and the adults (parents, neighbors, doctors, even policemen) honor and help the kids in solving their mysteries.
A fun story involving respectful relationships between children and adults? WHAT?!
Calling all aspiring writers! More stories with positive relationships needed!
These books read somewhat like The Boxcar Children but without the facet of independence from adults, which can stand out to children with RAD, whereas others may never think twice about that issue.
One caveat is that each book begins with a scary situation. You’ll want to read that first scene with your child and help them process it so that they draw accurate conclusions about the events.
You can purchase some titles in paperback or Kindle version and read more about them here:
I have not read every book in the series, so please comment below if you find something in one of the books which other RAD parents might want to be aware of.